Jul 22, 2024過去数十年にわたり、強迫性障害を持つ人々は色の違いをあまり好まなくなりました。 多くの人がすっきりとした単一のシンプルなデザインスタイルを好みます。 石の色の違いに遭遇すると、人々は常に色の違いをなくすことに熱心になるか、色の違いが小さい石を選ぶことを望んでいます。 しかし、デザイナーの目には、色の違いのある石は実際には宝物です。 色の違いエンジニアリングは自然界で最高の芸術であり、色の違いが大きいほど貴重です。 自然が最高です。 なぜでしょうか?
「この世に同じ葉っぱは二つとない。」 -- ゴットフリート・ヴィルヘルム・ライプニッツ(ドイツの哲学者)
「この世に同じ石は二つとして存在しない。」 -- 石材業界の男たち
理由1: 地表と深部の鉱床
理由3: 採掘と処理の方法が異なる
鉱山から採掘される石材は、通常、原材料の塊 であり、それを切断して小片にする必要があります。これを大板と呼びます。原材料の加工では、切断方向が異なります。このような加工の違いは、石材加工時に細心の注意を払っても完全には避けられず、切断された板には多かれ少なかれ違いが生じます。
Reason 4: Different degrees of surface processing
The color of the rough and smooth surfaces of the same stone variety is different. In smooth surfaces, the difference between polishing to 10 degrees and polishing to 50 degrees, 70 degrees, and 90 degrees is also very obvious. The brighter the grinding, the more obvious and vivid the stone patterns and colors will be, and the rough surface has a hazy beauty.
Color difference in stone is a natural beauty
The natural marble is not an industrial product. Its texture and color need to go through millions of years of geological movement and absorb the essence of nature. It can be said that it is truly "natural beauty". However, stones from different terrains, environments, and levels may have subtle changes in color and texture, resulting in color differences. For example, in China, people from different places such as Shanghai, Heilongjiang, and Ningxia may still have differences, but each has its own beauty.
Viewing Color Differences with an Artistic Perspective
Firstly, based on the understanding and comprehension of stone, the use of natural stone requires more respect and tolerance towards nature. Stone is formed through complex physical and chemical changes over billions of years, as well as geological movements and evolution, in the natural environment. Many internal and external factors can affect the ever-changing nature of stone. This kind of change objectively exists. The color of stone is naturally formed, and the quality of color is determined by the pigment ions contained in the stone and its internal structure. At the same time, the different minerals that make up the stone form in different sequences, which can also affect the color change. The pure natural texture and luxurious texture are the greatest value of marble. For marble with color differences, we cannot view it as a "defective" product. Marble collected from nature is unique in every piece, with only similar colors and textures, not completely identical. Color difference can form colorful combinations and produce unique effects.
Mastering the art of color difference to make beauty appear effortlessly natural